Sharks is held during the summer (May to August) only on Saturday mornings starting at 10am on the water for 10:30 and is for cadets holding RYA Stage 3 with their own boat. For those cadets in the process of buying a dinghy the training team can help with a hire of a Pico/Topper/Qube at the cost of £10 per session.
Sharks is to practice and further improve your sailing skills, boat handling, mark rounding and racing principles while having fun with your friends.
Each session will start with a short briefing about on water activity, with the opportunity to ask questions, pose ideas and get feedback on sailing techniques, tactics and seamanship skills.
Cadets must register each week via Booking link sent out in Cadet Into WhatsApp group.
We cannot run this event without parent’s support to coach on the water, launch, recover, tally, support, so if you can offer your time during the session.
Whilst we can’t guarantee good weather, sitting in the sun on the patio with a cup of coffee watching your kids sailing is a relaxing way to enjoy Saturday morning.
If you have any questions on the coaching at Sharks – please contact Colin Robinson, Russel Finlay or Dave Nelson
6th May 2023
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Venue: Ballyholme Yacht Club
Venue Phone: 028 9127 1467