(Adults) Racing Rules Talk with Chris Lindsay
Tuesday 7th of March 2023 at 7pm
Ballyholme Yacht Club
Hear from International official and local sailor Chris Lindsay
This talk will give sailors a valuable insight into the racing rules of sailing, a chance to gain additional knowledge on rules and an opportunity to hear about how Chris began his Race Official journey.
If you are a new or active racer this talk is for you!
Open to RYANI affiliated Club Members
If you would like to know more info please contact Kate.pounder@rya.org.uk
To reserve your free place click HERE
RYA Talk - Racing Rules Talk with Chris Lindsay (Adults)
7th March 2023
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm Optimising Performance through the lens of sailing physics
Venue: Ballyholme Yacht Club
Venue Phone: 028 9127 1467
Email: admin@ballyholme.com